Tuesday 22 July 2014

Why hire an Event Planner?

When you’re hosting your first event and trying to keep costs down, hiring an event planner might seem like an unnecessary expense. But it’s not. Here are seven surprising reasons to hire an event planner. Want you event to be unique and fun? then you want Unique Event Planning and Decoration.

1st  You’ll save time

Because there are details you don’t have to be bothered with. At the begining an intense strategy meeting of the planning process. You won't be able to count the hours having an event planner has will save you.

2nd You’ll save money

This is the reason I think might be the opposite of what you’d expect. You’d think because you have to pay the event planner, you’re spending more money, right? Not so. Once your planner knows what your budget is , they can work with vendors to save you money on all kinds of things.  And because the planner has relationships with vendors already from past events, it’s easier for her to ask them for things or discounts. In the long run, an event planner can actually save  the money you spent hiring him/her, and then some.

3rd You’ll have a better arranged event

Event planners know that part of what makes for a great event is that it looks and feels great. There are tons of details like colours, themes etc. Things like, did you know that if you angle your audience chairs a certain way, it makes them feel more involved and engaged?

4th You’ll host your event at the right venue

This is actually something I learned a few years ago. Where you should host your event  depends on the kind of event is  hosting and what  goals are in the event. The event planner will help to choose a venue that can actually help you meet your goals for your event. This is something that can affect the whole mood of the event.

5th You’ll have exprience people working

The event planner know several videographers, A/C companies, so she could get several quotes for  review. Because of the number of events the planner  has done with each of these companies, she knew the pros and cons of each and could help make the best choices to stay on-budget.

6th You’ll eat

With large events the host/hostess forget or don't get time to eat. So one of the first thingsthe event planner does is send menus  so they could pre-order  meals. The event planner should plan every detail down to eats and drinks.

7th You can breathe

When you’re planning an event, doing everything yourself is a very, very big job. And it gets stressful. As soon as you hire an event planner, you can breathe. You can step back, regroup, focus on the things you know the most about, and get a lot of work done. Because someone else is handling the details of the event itself, you can be more productive on the things you do best.
So contact Unique Event Planning and Decoration.

Tips on Planning your own events

There are times you may want to plan an event yourself.

This can happen for any number of reasons like if you are planning the event on a budget. If the event is for your young child’s birthday party, so you don’t need a professional planner. Maybe the guest are a small amount or if you want to get experience planning your own events.

Whatever your reason is, here are a few tips to doing it yourself.

Write out how many attendees you will have and pick an appropriate location  that will accommodate your invite list. Does the venue offer a clean-up service? will seating be provided or you have to organise you own tables and chairs?


Decide if you will have food at the event and how you will transport it. Will you do all the cooking and be bringing it yourself? If you are, then ask friends and family to help you with it early in advance.

Most events (birthdays, anniversaries, celebrations) will have entertainment.  Be sure you find out if the venue has speakers, stereo systems, projectors, and microphones if you need them. What will the theme of your party be? Often times your entertainment will coincide with the party theme.

Most venues have  parking lots your guests to use, include parking details in your invitation so guests know exactly where to go.

You can plan most small events yourself just by covering these four main areas: Venue Selection; Food; Entertainment and Parking. Good Luck !!! Have Fun!!!!

Believe it or not .....

Yes,  believe it event planners do coordinate funeral services, allowing the grieving family members to mourn their loss without having to worry about all the hassle of funeral arrangements. Event planners need to know all the rituals and traditions attached to all religion.

Planning the final goodbye for a loved one or a client takes time, consideration, and thoughtfulness. How will the events marking the end of life celebrate the spirit and story of that life in a unique and appropriate way? What will people remember about decease?

Will the family want  the comfort of ritual and tradition? Or maybe something uniquely different? Or a combination of solemnity and celebration?

                                                 Accept our condolences

Take a part of our event with you

Tokens is an expression of appreciation and gratitude. A simple thank you for sharing the joys of host and hostess, taking part and celebrating in the event.

Tokens are usually plaques, centrepieces and flowers arrangements. This era tokens are now made from candles, soaps and wind chimes.
Thank you for being apart of our special occasion. 

Monday 21 July 2014

Hungry anyone?.....deciding on the Menu

The menu is a presentation of food and beverage offerings that is served at events. Part of the function of menu  is to impress guests with the notion that the dishes served  requires such skill, equipment, and exotic ingredients that they cannot prepare similar foods at home.

An appetizer is a small first course of an overall meal. A small dish of food or a drink taken before a meal or the main course of a meal to stimulate one's appetite.

Depending on the type of event, the Event Planner will decide the menu. The appetizer, lunch, dinner and dessert.

Dinner usually refers to the most significant meal of the day, which is  the evening meal. However, the term "dinner" can have many different meanings depending on the culture; it may mean a meal of any size eaten at any time of day.
Then comes the part most kids and some adults love Dessert.
Yum Yum !!!

You are Invited!!!!

The invitation is an important part of organising an event or social function as it helps set the overall tone for the event and will help determine the number of guests attending. Beyond how many people are attending, the RSVP will determine who is attending as well as how to deal with seating arrangements, food selection, and service.

Invitations traditionally comes in the form of a card however, in today's era there are so many different ways for an invitation. If its a card its not the normal shaped card, invitations comes in form of scrolls, message in a bottle or even on a cd.
Unique Event Planning and Decoration understands that some people prefer the non traditional so come to us to create your unique experience.

Your Corsage?

A corsage is a small bouquet of flowers worn on a woman's dress or worn around her wrist to a formal occasion, traditionally purchased by the woman's date. Corsages are now most commonly seen at prom or similar events.

Corsages are worn by the mothers and grandmothers of the bride and groom at a wedding ceremony. The flowers worn on a young woman's clothing or wrist for the homecoming celebration or other formal occasions  around the world.

Unique Event Planning and Decoration is a creative and innovative company as seen with thier bouquets and corsages to suit each unique person.
