Tuesday 22 July 2014

Tips on Planning your own events

There are times you may want to plan an event yourself.

This can happen for any number of reasons like if you are planning the event on a budget. If the event is for your young child’s birthday party, so you don’t need a professional planner. Maybe the guest are a small amount or if you want to get experience planning your own events.

Whatever your reason is, here are a few tips to doing it yourself.

Write out how many attendees you will have and pick an appropriate location  that will accommodate your invite list. Does the venue offer a clean-up service? will seating be provided or you have to organise you own tables and chairs?


Decide if you will have food at the event and how you will transport it. Will you do all the cooking and be bringing it yourself? If you are, then ask friends and family to help you with it early in advance.

Most events (birthdays, anniversaries, celebrations) will have entertainment.  Be sure you find out if the venue has speakers, stereo systems, projectors, and microphones if you need them. What will the theme of your party be? Often times your entertainment will coincide with the party theme.

Most venues have  parking lots your guests to use, include parking details in your invitation so guests know exactly where to go.

You can plan most small events yourself just by covering these four main areas: Venue Selection; Food; Entertainment and Parking. Good Luck !!! Have Fun!!!!


  1. Nicely designed website and information
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  2. Very informative. Do you cater for persons with dietary restrictions? e.g gluten free, shugar free etc.

    1. Yes we cater for persons with dietary restrictions, diabetic etc. We cater for the needs of our customers

  3. Just what I needed for planning my daughter's surprise party!

  4. Nicely put together especially if your planning your first event

  5. Your ideas was all I need because I was preparing for a conference events. I have already a venue and it was in Radisson on Flagstaff Gardens. I hope that I can prepared it very well.

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