Tuesday 22 July 2014

Believe it or not .....

Yes,  believe it event planners do coordinate funeral services, allowing the grieving family members to mourn their loss without having to worry about all the hassle of funeral arrangements. Event planners need to know all the rituals and traditions attached to all religion.

Planning the final goodbye for a loved one or a client takes time, consideration, and thoughtfulness. How will the events marking the end of life celebrate the spirit and story of that life in a unique and appropriate way? What will people remember about decease?

Will the family want  the comfort of ritual and tradition? Or maybe something uniquely different? Or a combination of solemnity and celebration?

                                                 Accept our condolences


  1. so true....I experienced this

  2. Will you as the Event Planner also take care of the necessary documentation required for the burial to take place?

    1. Yes, as an event manager we coordinate and plan the entire event, everything concerning that particular event. Documentations, legal pass, there are work ethics and laws to be followed as an event planner


